Scottish Spring Honey - 227g | Glen Heather Honey
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West Scotland Spring honey is the wild west of honeys!


A very complex honey due to the wide variety of nectar sources, that West Scotland honeybees forage on in Spring.


The consistancy, colour, taste and texture will differ wildly between batches.  The only consistancy we can guarentee, is it'll taste amazing and is pure, raw and straight from the hive. 


Our bees forage on a wide range of nectar sources during April and May, sicamore, horse chestnut, chestnut, hawthorn, blackthorn, and bluebells, just to name a few.  We have several different sites and the weather pattern in each site, dictates the collection of nectar sources the bees use to create their honey.  


Perfect on toast, porridge, stirred into tea/coffee or added to smoothies.


Scottish Spring Honey - 227g

  • Our West Scotland spring honey is harvested from our bees in June after the main spring flowering period (April - May).  


    The consistancy, colour, taste and texture will differ wildly between batches, due to the varied nectar sources between apiaries.


    Its a unique tasting honey and each jar is different, great for spreading on toast or sweetening tea/coffee.  At Glen Heather, spring honeys are our personal favourites.


    Here are some of the nectar sources, that make this honey so unique each time...

    Sycamore Chestnut
    Hawthorn Willow
    Wild Cherry Rowan
    Gorse Snowdrops
    Primrose Crocus
    Blackthorn Bluebells
    Dog Rose Dandelion
    Daisies Crab Apple
    Cherry Plum

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